Sunday, February 8, 2009


I have been buying some Christmas presents the past several days. I have really found some good bargains. I even started a file on the computer with a list of what I've bought. Most of the presents are in my car, so I need to get them out in the morning once everyone leaves the house and put them up. Then I need to clean the van out and get it vaccumed.

I need to make some valentine cards. i bought the kids a candy bar and i want to make a sleeve for the bars. I usually make a card for my son to give his wife and my other son to give to his girlfriend.

Ok, I'll be back later


  1. You are so smart to buy presents as you find them! That's why you are my BFF, because you are so smart!

  2. Holy moley talk about organized!
    Can you come up here to Canada and get my shopping done?!
