Sunday, February 22, 2009

Slap me around

I really need to stop feeling sorry for myself and do more for people, around the house, and things that make me happy. My daugther-in-law is going to school, working, pregnant with our second grandchild ( grandson is 11 months) and could really use more of my help. I fix them supper most nights, help watch the baby as much as possible, and let her use my internet for school. BUT can i not do more??

What about my daughter that leaves home during the week at 6:30 (sometimes earlier) to drive 30 miles to teach school. She is a first year teacher and has several classes after school. Usually when she comes home and on weekends she is helping her SIL with school work and with the baby. But can I do more for her???

Right now I'm so scared about the budget I'm working on. This is the first time I've done this as director and it is very overwhelming and I have worked on it for a month now. It is due in Greenville on Friday, Feb 27th by 5pm. I need to get this done and done now. On Thursday we are having open house in Blacksburg and need to get things done for that.

However, so many times I just sit on the couch or lay in the bed feeling sorry for myself. How stupid can I be. I have so much going for me and I'm just letting it slip away. I have so much to give.............and that's where my word for the year came from. Joan - straighten up and GIVE!!!!!!!!

PS. Thanks for the comment


  1. Oh, you! Listen up now ... you GIVE so much to so many people! You are so dedicated to your family - babysitting, cooking meals, helping them out in all kinds of ways which I won't list publically! You shop for them all year long, I believe almost everything you do revolves around taking care of your family. And ... need I mention that every day you go to work you are giving yourself to an organization that helps over 400 seniors live a fulfilling and active life??? It may not feel like you are actively helping them some days, but believe me, w/out your leadership and vision there would be so many things missing from their lives. I know personally the Center has blessed me and my mother. Without the Center it would have been very difficult, maybe impossible to allow her to live at home these past 3 years. You GIVE so much to so many people! Don't look at what is not getting done, but look at everything that is being done - directly and indirectly. YOU are an amazing person who gives 110%. No doubt about it!

  2. Did you ever notice that the truly lazy people of the world don't wonder if they could be doing more for the people in their lives? Already I know you're not like that. I'm going to offer a little unsolicited advice here - it sounds like you may need to take some time for just yourself - it will re-energize you and help in your commitment to help others.

    via SwapBot

  3. I love that you chose this word for the year. I was thinking the very same thing yesterday, and can learn a thing or more from you for sure.
    I didn't know you were new to Swap-bot.You will enjoy it, but I'll tell you now,it is addicting so watch out!
    this is a great blog and I'm glad I got picked to read it.


  4. I hope I'm not out of line by saying this!!!

    It sounds like you are a wonderful, giving person already. But if you feel that the wonderful things in your life just are not making you feel happy, although they should... have you considered depression? Not the type where you cry all the time, but the type that doesn't allow you to fully enjoy all the wonderful things that you have in your life. You should look into it. I was feeling the same way before I got on antidepressants. Talk to your dr. and see what she says. You deserve all the happiness!!!

    via swap-bot

  5. Try not to be so hard on yourself! Keep remembering the fun things - like swap-bot swapping. It looks like you made some great cards below!
